Mike Flanagan

August 12, 2021

Progressing to Mastery: Listening, Learning and Reflecting

As a deeply experienced and expert writer–one who is "unconsciously competent"–Coates finds value in slowing down and reflecting on things he might otherwise take for granted. His observation is also an endorsement of reflection and meta-cognition, two principles at the core of PBL and mastery learning.
June 9, 2021

Progressing to Mastery: A Different Kind of Flex

I’ve been thinking about programming and community a lot as I finished my first month as CEO of MTC. For me, that journey involves talking to as many member schools as I can, and while I’m just getting started, it’s clear to me that we can evolve our programming over the coming year to make sure all members get what they need.
January 3, 2019

Update on the Mastery Transcript

During the coming weeks, more than 60 students from a handful of schools across the country will be working with their teachers and counselors to start preparing their Mastery Transcripts for college applications.