May 14, 2020

College Admissions Planning Amid COVID-19

For thousands of high schoolers throughout the country, the current uncertainty about the role of grades is exacerbating anxiety and accentuating inequitable learning environments. Many students feel undue pressure, including juniors as they prepare for college applications in 2020-2021 and others as they plan ahead to life after high school.
April 8, 2020

Grading/Crediting During COVID-19

Policymakers and school/district leaders are looking for expert guidance on whether, and how, to grade students during this very unique time. Along with Challenge Success and Crescendo Education Group. MTC offers our recommendation, and invites members of the public to join a webinar with panelists on April 14, 11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EDT for more details and an in-depth discussion.