Tom Vander Ark isn’t just a long time board member for MTC and advocate for our work–he’s also a podcaster! In the latest episode of the Getting Smart Podcast, Tom interviews MTC CEO Mike Flanagan, and ETS Managing Director of Skills for the Future Laura Slover.
In the lively discussion, Flanagan and Slover discuss a transformative approach to learning that goes far beyond traditional transcripts and test scores. They also discuss Skills for the Future, a collaborative initiative between ETS and the Carnegie Foundation that aims to assess student growth in essential durable skills like communication, critical thinking, and collaboration.
By developing innovative assessment tools to be piloted this spring in five partner states, SFF is building a new educational architecture that will capture learning everywhere—from classrooms to internships—and provide personalized pathways that truly reflect each student’s unique strengths and potential.
You can listen to the full 30 minute episode, or read a transcript (no, not that kind!), here.