Working with member schools, MTC has co-designed and built a software platform that members use to create scalable, flexible learning records— Mastery Transcripts and MTC Learning Records. Members publish Mastery Transcripts or MTC Learning Records for their learners and deliver them securely to college admissions readers and/or employers.
Key Features

Design Principles
How do the Mastery Transcript and MTC Learning Record help learners and readers?

Flexible, but Consistent
Competencies are defined and certified by members; MTC does not mandate a specific set of skills. At the same time, we provide a consistent format so that readers can review our records with speed and accuracy.

Compact, but Layered
As digital, interactive documents, the Mastery Transcript and MTC Learning Record provide a compact “top layer” that can be quickly scanned, with additional information layered beneath for readers who want to dive deeper into a learner’s credentials.

Learner-Centric, but Contextual
Learners own their own profile page and can choose to feature particular projects and achievements. The published version remains an official record, and it contains information to help readers understand the learner’s achievements in the context of their school or program.

No Grades on Mastery Transcripts
MTC members don’t reduce learners to single numbers, but they do hold them to high standards. When learners master critical skills and content, they earn competencies which combine to create a clear, succinct visualization of each learner’s strengths.

These records are created to serve learners from all backgrounds and to support them in a variety of post-high school goals, whether that be admission to a selective four-year university, placement at a community college, or entry into the workforce.
Enabling Mastery Learning
The power of the Mastery Transcript and MTC Learning Record is not only in what they communicate, but also in what they enable: learning that is deeply personalized, learner-driven, based in authentic engagement, and designed to educate the “whole student.” Key benefits are:

Learning for Today's World
Our records enable (and necessitate) mastery learning and value the higher order skills necessary for success in college and career.

A New Method of Crediting
Competencies (foundational and advanced) allow learners to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and dispositions and enable teachers to coach learners on where they need to improve. They are substantiated by evidence from every stage of the learner’s journey, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Meaningful Communication
Learners have a better mode of communication to share their interests, skills, and strengths with colleges and employers. Our records tell a story about the learner: who they are, what they have learned, how they have grown, what they love, and who they want to be.