MTC College Admissions List

Below is the fast-growing list of colleges and universities that have already accepted one or more applicants from MTC members. The Mastery Transcript (MT ) and MTC Learning Record (MLR ) have been co-designed with school leaders, learners, and admissions officers, and they continue to improve thanks to expanding member and higher ed partnerships.

Total Accepting Institutions

Accepting Colleges (as of 08.19.24)LocationMTMLR
Academy of Art UniversityCA
Adelphi UniversityNY
Agnes Scott CollegeGA
Albion CollegeMI
Albright CollegePA
Alfred UniversityNY
Allegheny CollegePA
Alverno CollegeWI
Amarillo CollegeTX
American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral ServiceNY
American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental MedicineMN
American Academy of ArtIL
American Academy of CosmetologyFL
The American College of GreeceGreece
American UniversityDC
Anna Maria CollegeMA
Appalachian State University NC
Arizona State University - TempeAZ
Arkansas State UniversityAR
Arkansas State University - NewportAR
Arrupe College of Loyola University ChicagoIL
Art Center College of DesignCA
Assumption UniversityMA
Auburn UniversityAL
Augsburg UniversityMN
Augustana CollegeIL
Aurora UniversityIL
Azusa Pacific UniversityCA
Babson CollegeMA
Baldwin Wallace UniversityOH
Ball State UniversityIN
Bard CollegeNY
Barry UniversityFL
Bates CollegeME
Baylor UniversityTX
Bellevue CollegeWA
Bellingham Technical CollegeWA
Beloit College WI
Bennington CollegeVT
Bentley UniversityMA
Berklee College of MusicMA
Berry CollegeGA
Binghamton UniversityNY
Boise State UniversityID
Boston Architectural CollegeMA
Boston CollegeMA
Boston UniversityMA
Bowdoin CollegeME
Bowling Green State University-Main CampusOH
Bradley UniversityIL
Brandeis UniversityMA
Brenau UniversityGA
Bridgewater State UniversityMA
Brigham Young UniversityUT
Brown UniversityRI
Bryant UniversityRI
Bryn Mawr CollegePA
Bucknell UniversityPA
California Aeronautical UniversityCA
California College of the ArtsCA
California Institute of TechnologyCA
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis ObispoCA
California State University - FullertonCA
California State University - Monterey BayCA
California State University - San MarcosCA
California State University- Long BeachCA
California State University- NorthridgeCA
California University of PennsylvaniaPA
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPA
Carroll CollegeMT
Carroll UniversityWI
Carthage CollegeWI
Cascadia CollegeWA
Case Western Reserve UniversityOH
Castleton UniversityVT
Cedar Crest CollegePA
Cedarville UniversityOH
Centenary UniversityNJ
Central Washington UniversityWA
Champlain CollegeVT
Chapman UniversityCA
Chicago State UniversityIL
The Chinese University of Hong KongChina
Christopher Newport UniversityVA
Citadel Military College of South CarolinaSC
City College of San FranciscoCA
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington CollegeIL
City Colleges of Chicago-Harry S Truman CollegeIL
City Colleges of Chicago-Malcolm X CollegeIL
Claremont McKenna CollegeCA
Clark Atlanta UniversityGA
Clark UniversityMA
Clemson UniversitySC
Cleveland Institute of ArtOH
Cleveland State UniversityOH
Coe CollegeIA
Colby CollegeME
Colby-Sawyer CollegeNH
Colgate UniversityNY
College for Creative StudiesMI
College of CharlestonSC
The College of Saint RoseNY
College of the AtlanticME
College of William and MaryVA
The College of WoosterOH
Colorado CollegeCO
Colorado Mountain CollegeCO
Colorado School of MinesCO
Colorado State University- Fort CollinsCO
Columbia College ChicagoIL
Community College of VermontVT
Concordia College at MoorheadMN
Concordia University ChicagoIL
Concordia University WisconsinWI
Connecticut CollegeCT
Cornell CollegeIA
Cornell UniversityNY
Cornish College of the ArtsWA
The Culinary Institute of AmericaNY
The Culinary Institute of America at GreystoneCA
The Culinary Institute of America San AntonioTX
Curry CollegeMA
Cuyamaca CollegeCA
Dean CollegeMA
Denison UniversityOH
DePaul UniversityIL
DePauw UniversityIN
Dickinson CollegePA
DigiPen Institute of TechnologyWA
Dominican UniversityIL
Drake UniversityIA
Drew UniversityNJ
Drexel UniversityPA
Drury UniversityMO
Duke UniversityNC
Durham UniversityUnited Kingdom
Eastern Florida State CollegeFL
Eastern Washington UniversityWA
Edgewood CollegeWI
Edmonds Community CollegeWA
Edward Waters UniversityFL
Elgin Community CollegeIL
Elizabethtown CollegePA
Elmhurst UniversityIL
Elon UniversityNC
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityAZ
Emerson CollegeMA
Emory & Henry CollegeVA
Emory UniversityGA
The Evergreen State CollegeWA
Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan CampusNJ
Fashion Institute of TechnologyNY
Fitchburg State UniversityMA
Florida Atlantic UniversityFL
Florida Institute of TechnologyFL
Fordham UniversityNY
Fort Lewis CollegeCO
Franklin & Marshall CollegePA
Franklin Pierce UniversityNH
Front Range Community CollegeCO
Furman UniversitySC
Gallaudet UniversityDC
Geneva CollegePA
George Fox UniversityOR
George Mason UniversityVA
The George Washington UniversityDC
Georgetown UniversityDC
Georgia CollegeGA
Georgia Institute of TechnologyGA
Georgia Southern UniversityGA
Gettysburg CollegePA
Goldsmith, University of LondonUnited Kingdom
Gonzaga UniversityWA
Gordon ColllegeMA
Goucher CollegeMD
Grand Canyon UniversityAZ
Grinnell CollegeIA
Grossmont CollegeCA
Guilford CollegeNC
Hamline UniversityMN
Hampshire CollegeMA
Harding UniversityAR
Harvard UniversityMA
Harvey Mudd CollegeCA
Haverford CollegePA
Hawai'i Pacific UniversityHI
Hendrix CollegeAR
High Point UniversityNC
Hillsborough Community CollegeFL
Hobart and William Smith CollegesNY
Hofstra UniversityNY
Hollins UniversityVA
Howard UniversityDC
Hult International Business SchoolMA
Humboldt State UniversityCA
Huron University CollegeCanada
Illinois Institute of TechnologyIL
Illinois State UniversityIL
Illinois Wesleyan UniversityIL
Indiana State UniversityIN
Indiana University - South BendIN
Indiana University BloomingtonIN
Indiana University-Purdue University-IndianapolisIN
Institute of American Indian ArtsNM
Iowa State UniversityIA
Ithaca CollegeNY
Jacksonville UniversityFL
James Madison UniversityVA
John Cabot UniversityItaly
John Carroll UniversityOH
Johnson & Wales University- CharlotteNC
Johnson & Wales University- ProvidenceRI
The Juilliard SchoolNY
Juniata CollegePA
Kalamazoo CollegeMI
Kansas City Art InstituteMO
Kansas City Kansas Community CollegeKS
Keene State CollegeNH
Keiser University - Ft LauderdaleFL
Kennesaw State UniversityGA
Kent State University at KentOH
Kenyon CollegeOH
Kettering UniversityMI
The King's CollegeNY
Knox CollegeIL
LaGrange CollegeGA
Lake Forest CollegeIL
Lakeland UniversityWI
Lasell CollegeMA
Lawrence UniversityWI
Lesley UniversityMA
Lewis & Clark CollegeOR
Lingnan UniversityChina
Los Angeles College of MusicCA
Loyola Marymount UniversityCA
Loyola University ChicagoIL
Loyola University MarylandMD
Lynn UniversityFL
Lyon CollegeAR
Macalester CollegeMN
Madison Area Technical CollegeWI
Maine College of Art & DesignME
Manhattan School of MusicNY
Marist CollegeNY
Marquette UniversityWI
Mary Baldwin UniversityVA
Maryland Institute College of ArtMD
Marymount Manhattan CollegeNY
Marymount UniversityVA
Massachusetts College of Art and DesignMA
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health SciencesMA
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMA
Massachusetts Maritime AcademyMA
Mercer UniversityGA
Mercyhurst UniversityPA
Merrimack CollegeMA
Metropolitan Community College - Kansas CityMO
Metropolitan Community College - Maple WoodsMO
Metropolitan Community College- Blue RiverMO
Miami Dade CollegeFL
Miami University (Oxford Campus)OH
Michigan State UniversityMI
Michigan Technical InstituteMI
Michigan Technological UniversityMI
Middle Georgia State UniversityGA
Middle Tennessee State UniversityTN
Middlebury CollegeVT
Milwaukee Area Technical CollegeWI
Milwaukee Institute of Art & DesignWI
Milwaukee School of EngineeringWI
Minneapolis College of Art and DesignMN
Mississippi State UniversityMS
Missouri State University-SpringfieldMO
Montana State UniversityMT
Moore College of Art and DesignPA
Morgan State UniversityMD
Morton CollegeIL
Mount Holyoke CollegeMA
Mount Mary UniversityWI
New College of FloridaFL
The New England Conservatory of MusicMA
New England Institute of TechnologyRI
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyNJ
New Mexico State University - Main CampusNM
New River Community CollegeVA
The New SchoolNY
New York Conservatory for Dramatic ArtsNY
New York UniversityNY
Nichols CollegeMA
North Carolina A&T State UniversityNC
North Carolina State UniversityNC
North Carolina State University at RaleighNC
North Central CollegeIL
North Dakota State UniversityND
Northeastern Illinois UniversityIL
Northeastern UniversityMA
Northern Arizona UniversityAZ
Northern Illinois UniversityIL
Northern Vermont UniversityVT
Northern Vermont University- LyndonVT
Northland CollegeWI
Northwestern UniversityIL
Norwich UniversityVT
Nova Southeastern UniversityFL
Oberlin College and ConservatoryOH
Occidental CollegeCA
Ogden-Weber Technical CollegeUT
Ohio State University- Main CampusOH
Ohio State University- Mansfield CampusOH
Ohio University- Main CampusOH
Oklahoma State University- Main CampusOK
Olivet Nazarene UniversityIL
Onondaga Community CollegeNY
Ontario College of Art and Design UniversityCanada
Oral Roberts UniversityOK
Oregon Institute of TechnologyOR
Oregon State UniversityOR
Otis College of Art and DesignCA
Ottawa UniversityKS
Otterbein UniversityOH
Pace UniversityNY
Pacific Lutheran UniversityWA
Parsons School of DesignNY
Paul Smith's CollegeNY
Penn State University - BehrendPA
Penn State University BrandywinePA
Penn State University- BerksPA
Penn State University- Main CampusPA
Pepperdine UniversityCA
Pitzer CollegeCA
Plymouth State UniversityNH
Point Loma Nazarene UniversityCA
Point Park UniversityPA
Portland State UniversityOR
PrattMWP College of Art and DesignNY
Princeton UniversityNJ
Providence CollegeRI
Purdue UniversityIN
Queens UniversityCanada
Queens University of CharlotteNC
Quinnipiac UniversityCT
Reed CollegeOR
Regis CollegeMA
Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteNY
Rhodes CollegeTN
Rice UniversityTX
Ringling College of Art + DesignFL
RMIT UniversityAustralia
Rochester Institute of TechnologyNY
Rocky Mountain College of Art and DesignCO
Roger Williams UniversityRI
Roosevelt UniversityIL
Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyIN
Rowan UniversityNJ
Rutgers UniversityNJ
Saint Ambrose UniversityIA
St. Andrews UniversityNC
Saint Anselm CollegeNH
St. Edward's UniversityTX
St. John's CollegeMD
St. Lawrence UniversityNY
Saint Leo UniversityFL
Saint Mary's CollegeIN
Saint Michael's CollegeVT
St. Olaf CollegeMN
Saint Xavier UniversityIL
Salem State UniversityMA
Salt Lake Community CollegeUT
Samford UniversityAL
San Francisco Conservatory of MusicCA
Santa Clara UniversityCA
Sarah Lawrence CollegeNY
Savannah College of Art and DesignGA
School of the Art Institute of ChicagoIL
School of Visual ArtsNY
Seattle Central CollegeWA
Seattle Film InstituteWA
Seattle Pacific UniversityWA
Seattle UniversityWA
Seton Hall UniversityNJ
Simmons UniversityMA
Simon Fraser UniversityCanada
Singapore Institute of ManagementSingapore
Skidmore CollegeNY
Smith CollegeMA
Snow CollegeUT
Southeastern Oklahoma State UniversityOK
Southern California Institute of ArchitectureCA
Southern Illinois University-CarbondaleIL
Southern Illinois University-EdwardsvilleIL
Southern New Hampshire UniversityNH
Southern Oregon UniversityOR
Southern Utah UniversityUT
Southwest Technical CollegeUT
Spokane Falls Community CollegeWA
Stanford UniversityCA
SUNY at BinghamtonNY
SUNY at Buffalo StateNY
SUNY at CobleskillNY
SUNY at FredoniaNY
SUNY at New PaltzNY
SUNY at OneontaNY
SUNY at PlattsburghNY
SUNY at Stony BrookNY
SUNY CortlandNY
SUNY MorrisvilleNY
Susquehanna UniversityPA
Sweet Briar CollegeVA
Syracuse UniversityNY
Temple UniversityPA
Temple University - JapanJapan
Tennessee State UniversityTN
Texas A & M University TX
Texas Christian UniversityTX
Texas Tech UniversityTX
The American University of ParisFrance
The American University of RomeItaly
Towson UniversityMD
Trine University IN
Triton CollegeIL
Tulane UniversityLA
Tulsa Community CollegeOK
Union CollegeNY
Union UniversityTN
United States Naval AcademyMD
The University of AlabamaAL
University of Alaska FairbanksAK
University of AlbertaCanada
The University of ArizonaAZ
University of ArkansasAR
University of Arts, LondonUnited Kingdom
University of British ColumbiaCanada
University of California - BerkeleyCA
University of California - MercedCA
University of California- IrvineCA
University of California- RiversideCA
University of California-DavisCA
University of California-Los AngelesCA
University of California-Santa BarbaraCA
University of California-Santa CruzCA
University of Central ArkansasAR
The University of ChicagoIL
University of Chichester UK
University of CincinnatiOH
University of Colorado BoulderCO
University of Colorado Colorado SpringsCO
University of Colorado Denver- Anschutz Medical CampusCO
University of ConnecticutCT
University of DaytonOH
University of DelawareDE
University of DenverCO
University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom
University of EvansvilleIN
University of ExeterUnited Kingdom
The University of FindlayOH
University of FloridaFL
University of GeorgiaGA
University of GlasgowUnited Kingdom
University of Hawai'i at MānoaHI
University of HertfordshireUK
University of HoustonTX
University of IdahoID
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignIL
University of Illinois ChicagoIL
University of IowaIA
University of KansasKS
University of KentuckyKY
University of LouisvilleKY
University of MaineME
University of Maine at FarmingtonME
University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom
University of Mary WashingtonVA
University of Maryland, College ParkMD
University of Massachusetts AmherstMA
University of Massachusetts BostonMA
University of Massachusetts LowellMA
University of MelbourneAustralia
The University of MemphisTN
University of MiamiFL
University of MichiganMI
University of Minnesota DuluthMN
University of Minnesota Twin CitiesMN
University of MississippiMS
University of MissouriMO
University of MontanaMT
University of Nebraska- LincolnNE
University of New EnglandME
University of New HampshireNH
University of New HavenCT
The University of New MexicoNM
University of New OrleansLA
University of New South WalesAustralia
University of North Carolina School of the ArtsNC
University of North DakotaND
University of North GeorgiaGA
University of Northern ColoradoCO
The University of OklahomaOK
University of OregonOR
University of OttawaCanada
University of PennsylvaniaPA
University of Pittsburgh- Pittsburgh CampusPA
University of PortlandOR
University of Prince Edward IslandCanada
University of Puget SoundWA
University of RedlandsCA
University of Rhode IslandRI
University of RichmondVA
University of RochesterNY
University of San DiegoCA
University of San FranciscoCA
University of ScrantonPA
University of South Carolina- ColumbiaSC
University of SouthamptonUnited Kingdom
University of Southern CaliforniaCA
University of SydneyAustralia
University of TampaFL
University of Tennessee- KnoxvilleTN
The University of Texas at AustinTX
University of the PacificCA
University of the PeopleCA
University of Toronto- MississaugaCanada
University of Toronto- ScarboroughCanada
University of Toronto- St GeorgeCanada
The University of UtahUT
The University of VermontVT
University of VirginiaVA
University of WarwickUnited Kingdom
University of WashingtonWA
University of Washington BothellWA
University of Washington- TacomaWA
University of West GeorgiaGA
University of WestminsterUnited Kingdom
University of Wisconsin - River FallsWI
University of Wisconsin- Eau ClaireWI
University of Wisconsin- Green BayWI
University of Wisconsin- MadisonWI
University of Wisconsin- MilwaukeeWI
University of Wisconsin- OshkoshWI
University of Wisconsin- PlattevilleWI
University of Wisconsin- Stevens PointWI
University of Wisconsin- StoutWI
University of Wisconsin- WhitewaterWI
Ursinus CollegePA
Utah State UniversityUT
Utah Tech UniversityUT
Utah Valley UniversityUT
Valencia CollegeFL
Valley City State UniversityND
Valparaiso UniversityIN
Vanderbilt UniversityTN
Vanguard UniversityCA
Vassar CollegeNY
Vermont State Colleges- Office of the ChancellorVT
Vermont Technical CollegeVT
Villanova UniversityPA
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityVA
Virginia Military InstituteVA
Virginia TechVA
Virginia Western Community CollegeVA
Walla Walla UniversityWA
Warren Wilson CollegeNC
Washington CollegeMD
Washington State UniversityWA
Washington University in St. LouisMO
Wayne State UniversityMI
Weber State UniversityUT
Webster UniversityMO
Wentworth Institute of TechnologyMA
Wesleyan CollegeGA
Wesleyan UniversityCT
Western Illinois UniversityIL
Western Michigan UniversityMI
Western New England UniversityMA
Western State Colorado UniversityCO
Western UniversityCanada
Western Washington UniversityWA
Westminster CollegeMO
Wheaton CollegeMA
Whitman CollegeWA
Whittier CollegeCA
Whitworth UniversityWA
Willamette UniversityOR
William Woods UniversityMO
Williams CollegeMA
Wilson CollegePA
Wittenberg UniversityOH
Worcester Polytechnic InstituteMA
Yale University CT
York UniversityCanada
Young Harris CollegeGA
Youngstown State UniversityOH