December 10, 2024An Introduction to MTC Tools
This virtual event was designed to orient anyone new to MTC with our network, tools, resources, and reach.
November 22, 2024NEASC Leadership Conference
Susie Bell, Chief Program Officer, teamed up with The Digital School to provide a session about this aspirational partnership. The Digital School provides online and hybrid learning to marginalized students in 14 countries and is working toward the capture and sharing of outcomes via MTC records.
November 19-20, 2024Progress Tracker 101
This virtual event was designed for members who hoped to learn more about our formative tracking tool: the MTC Progress Tracker.
November 11-14, 2024CBExchange 2024
Eddie Arteaga attended the CBExchange 2024 in Colorado Springs, CO.
November 2-5, 2024Aurora InstituteSymposium 2024
Susie Bell and Eddie Arteaga presented at the Aurora Institute Symposium 2024 with member schools EF Academy and James Madison High School. This session focused on the shifts in the higher education and policy landscape towards competency-based learning.
October 29-30, 2024Rolling Out the Progress Tracker to Caregivers
This virtual MTC event, for members who are tracking prioritized competencies, focused on developing a plan to communicate progress with parents/caregivers.
October 22, 2024Second Annual VirtualCollege Fair
Close to 1000 MTC member staff, learners, and caregivers joined this virtual event to connect with colleges and universities from across the U.S. and abroad.
September 30-October 2, 20242024 Convergence: Credential Innovation in Higher Education
Eddie Arteaga attended the 2024 Convergence: Credential Innovation in Higher Education conference in New Orleans, LA.
September 26-28, 2024NACAC Conference 2024
Eddie Arteaga attended the National Association for College Admission Counseling's Conference, hosted this year in Los Angeles, CA.
September 19-20, 2024MTC Symposium
Our 2024 Symposium—Capturing Progress: Learners in the Driver's Seat—took place in Denver, Colorado and included members, prospective members, and partner organizations from across the U.S. and abroad.
July 22-25, 2024Conference to Restore Humanity! 2024
Carl Farrington and Patricia Russell presented at CTRH! 2024, which focused on human-centered practices in K-12 and beyond. Clark Street Community School and Community Lab School, two MTC members, also provided virtual tours during this all-virtual event.
June 24-26, 2024CAPS 2024 Summer Huddle
Project Manager Elena Hamilton traveled to Kansas City to attend the CAPS Network's Summer Huddle, focused on profession-based learning.
June 23-25, 2024Annual PACAC Conference
Eddie Arteaga traveled to the Poconos to present at the Annual Pennsylvania Association for College Admission Counseling Conference. His session was titled Applying Mastery: Competency-Based Education and College Admissions.
June 17-19, 20242024 GlobalMindED Conference
Susie Bell collaborated with the Aurora Institute, Compass Community Collaborative School, and Westminster Public Schools to lead a session on how project-based learning and competency-based credentialing unlocks learner potential and access to postsecondary pathways.
June 12-13, 2024Northern Cass Personalized Learning Institute
Chief Program Officer Susie Bell led a session on formative assessment at the Personalized Learning Institute, hosted by member school Northern Cass in Hunter, ND.
May 29-31, 2024WACAC Conference 2024
Western Association for College Admission Counseling's 2024 Conference was hosted this year in Sacramento, CA. Eddie Arteaga led a session—A Seat at the Table: Nontraditional Academic Records.
May 23, 2024Get to Know theMTC Progress Tracker
We hosted two sessions, open to the public, for anyone interested in learning more about our newest tool: the MTC Progress Tracker.
May 22-24, 2024NEACAC Annual Meeting & Conference
Eddie Arteaga, Senior Director of Higher Ed Engagement, traveled to Fairfield, CT to present on Reinventing the High School Transcript at New England Association for College Admission Counseling's Annual Conference.
May 15, 2024Gearing Up to Use theMTC Progress Tracker
In these two sessions, targeted to members who are planning to pilot the Progress Tracker, we examined the decisions and steps associated with beginning use of the tool.
May 15, 2024MTC Member Town Hall
In this annual event for members, we celebrated the successes of our collective consortium and deep dived into our recent acquisition by ETS and role in the Skills for the Future initiative. Watch the full recording
hereApril 14-17, 2024ASU + GSV Summit
CEO Mike Flanagan was in attendance in sunny San Diego, California.
March 24-27, 2024Carnegie Foundation's Summit on Improvement in Education
Mike Flanagan traveled to San Diego to co-lead a session on Using Competency-Based Records to Advance Equity and Expand Post-Graduation Opportunities alongside MTC members.
March 25-26, 2024Great Schools Partnership’s School Redesign In Action Conference
In Providence, RI, Patricia Russell moderated a panel of MTC sending schools—including Cabot School (VT), Lighthouse Holyoke (MA), and Nipmuc Regional High School (MA).
March 12, 2024Learning Model:Maritime High School
In this session, attendees learned about the various defenses and celebrations of learning at Maritime High School and how they are designed with graduation-level competencies in mind.
March 9, 2024Toddle’s Curriculum Design Summit
This virtual summit focused on constructing curriculum at both a macro level for schools and the unit plan level for student learning. Susie Bell led a session on deconstructing traditional grading and reporting practices to uncover a new paradigm of communicating progress toward mastery.
March 4-7, 2024SXSW EDU 2024
Mike Flanagan was in attendance at SXSW in Austin, Texas.
March 5, 2024Utah PCBL Summit
Susie Bell attended Utah's 2024 PCBL Summit, focused on cognitive rigor through learner agency.
February 28-March 12024 NAIS Annual Conference
Mike Flanagan traveled to St. Louis, MO to attend the National Association of Independent Schools' annual conference.
April 23, 2024Alignment: Role of theMTC Progress Tracker
How can members assess and track learner growth in prioritized competencies? In this member event, we demoed and answered questions about our newest tool, the MTC Progress Tracker.
February 8, 2024Learning Model:James Madison High School
In this session, James Madison learners and school leaders reflected on the process of co-designing competencies and sending MLRs this admissions cycle.